STUDENT INFORMATION Name* M.I. Birth Date Gender Please Select Male Female Have you previously attended VBS? Yes No Home Church (if any) Address Primary Phone Number Secondary Phone Number Siblings Enrolled in VBS EMERGENCY CONTACTS Please list the first and last names and phone numbers off ALL adults who are allowed to pick up this child. The child will only be released to these people. Primary Guardian * Relationship To Child Phone Number Alternate Guardian * Relationship To Child Phone Number Medical Infromation Please list all allergies -- or type "none" if there are none Does your child carry an epi-pen? (please note: if yes, it is the responsibilty of the child's guardian to ensure the child has the epi-pen at every drop off and pick up) Yes No Please list all medical concerns -- or type "none" if there are none Additional Information VBS photos/videos are taken for promotional purposes related to Downsview S.D.A Children's Ministry and Vacation Bible School. These pictures appear in various media outlets such as our facebook/instagram page and webpage. Will you allow your child to be included in these photos/videos? Yes No Acceptance By submitting this form, I ackowledge I have read and understand the above information. Submit