March 13, 2020 

Pastors, Head Elders, Clerks, Communication Leaders Ontario Conference 


Dear Pastors, Head Elders, Clerks, and Communication Leaders: 

After prayerful and careful reflection and consideration of the health and safety and wellness of our church families, Ontario Conference is issuing the following guidelines. 

Gatherings At this time, Ontario Conference is not recommending the cancellation of church services. However, we suggest that you refer to the most recent gathering advisory for your local area. 

Gatherings over 250 suspended. 

• In case the church board has decided to close the church, please inform the conference and arrange to stay in touch with your members by phone or social media. 

• Advise those 65 and over as well as those with compromised immune systems or underlying medical conditions to stay home

• Churches should limit preliminaries and condense the worship service to no longer than two hours total. 

• Suspend the evening meetings as a signal to the community that it is not business as usual. 

Social Distancing We strongly recommend members/visitors avoid handshakes and hugging, as well as maintaining a reasonable distance from other individuals. If they have recently travelled abroad, or are feeling ill, they should stay home. 

• Advise the members to sit in a spaced format. 

• Small groups, close up discussions, such as SS classes, should be avoided. (Sabbath School to be led from the pulpit as one class) 

Church Potlucks Temporarily suspend church potlucks and other fellowship meals. 

Offerings The offering plate/bag should not be passed from person to person. Offerings should be dropped into a receptacle. 


1110 King Street East Oshawa, Ontario L1H 1H8 Canada Telephone (905) 571-1022 Fax (905) 571-5995 

• The treasury staff should use disposable latex gloves when counting money. 

Online Giving Promote online giving since many members may choose to stay home. Churches that do not have an Adventist Online Giving account are strongly encouraged to set up the account so that members can worship God in giving, even if they cannot be physically present. 

Social Media Provide a way for members to participate in the service from home. 

• If the church does not already have a livestream, use Facebook Live, Zoom, or some other similar services. 

Communication Each church should have a way of communicating with all its members (WhatsApp, Facebook, group email, etc.). 

Communion Service Consider postponing the service until further notice. 

Baptism Consider postponing the service until further notice. 

Public Evangelistic Meetings Postpone all public evangelistic meetings until further notice. 

Miscellaneous Instruct janitorial staff to frequently clean door handles and other commonly used contact surfaces with disinfectant. 

Please show the video (link below) to your members this Sabbath. 

For more information, please refer to the Ontario Conference website. 


1110 King Street East Oshawa, Ontario L1H 1H8 Canada Telephone (905) 571-1022 Fax (905) 571-5995